
Q&A Victoria Talbot Managing director, Steadfast Tapes
Victoria has spent a decade in the printing industry and took over as managing director of Huddersfield-based Steadfast Tapes just over two years ago.

Started as an apprentice
Q&A: John Jones, managing director, Powlsons Design and Print

Best of British
Always adding value
Editor's Comments

Darryl Danielli,
Printweek Editor
Looking back to look forward
The sector’s evolution continues and we must keep moving forward
Business confidence
Accentuate the positive and have faith in your ability to succeed
Printer's Devil… it's in the detail

Jo Francis,
Contributing Editor
Jo's helpline
Jo's ready to solve your print problems

Loo recruits
Overmatter: On a roll

Bargain buy
Overmatter: Shuttleworth’s shelfie

Celeb print collab
Overmatter: Poster boys

'Drupa Lipa' vibes
Overmatter: Drupa tunes

Celebs' printed gaudy getups