


14023 results found

Baddeley Card

Baddeley Brothers finish designer's award-winning Christmas card

A Cambridgeshire-based man has triumphed in the Hand Engravers’ Association Christmas card competition with a piece that was silver die-stamped by Baddeley Brothers.

Tech Colour

Reliving the colours of an earlier world

It’s easy to think of the past in black and white. The family photographs, movies, books and magazines we see from 100 years ago or older, are resolutely monochrome. We know that people of the times...

Iain Clasper Cotte Campervan

Overmatter: Van-tastic cost savings on hotel horrors

Overmatter recently looked into a simple overnight stay at a Premier Inn, but found the price tag blench-makingly higher than anticipated. 

Horizon AFV566FKTA Ice (2)

Sharman and Co ups flexibility with Horizon install

Newspaper printer Sharman and Co has taken on a Horizon AFV-566FKT fully automated folder to help deliver greater application flexibility.


If you’re buying a new business for Christmas, beware of overindulging

If you’re wondering what the discerning print boss wants for Christmas this year, then reading this issue’s News Digest implies what they really, really want is another print business.

Mm Koenigandbauer

Me & My: Koenig & Bauer Rapida 145

Back in March Offset Print & Packaging started the complex installation of the latest, whizziest iteration of Koenig & Bauer’s large-format Rapida offset press, the 145. This is the first one in the...

Paul Bisland Tradeprint

Rising star: Paul Bisland Offset press operator, Tradeprint

Paul was highly commended as a finalist in the Trainee of the Year category in the Printweek Awards 2023. He’s 36 and has been working at Tradeprint, based in Dundee, for just over a decade. 

Setting Up

Setting up for the first time

It doesn’t take much to set up a business: a good idea, graft, opportunity and of course, appropriate funding. However, it takes thought and planning to last the course and become successful.

Mm Zakeke1

Me & My: Zakeke visual commerce platform

Online personalisation can be big business in difficult times, if you approach it carefully. The early promise of personalised photobooks disappeared into the clutches of big suppliers who can use a...


Are there alternatives to redundancy?

Economic dips come and go and in their wake businesses are left struggling financially. A number succumb to their wounds while others end up as zombie companies unable to do anything other than just...