Web to print

Raithatha: "The long-term opportunity remains vast"

Moonpig sales reflect 'permanent step change in scale'

Moonpig Group has upped its sales forecast for the current financial year to £300m.

WorksThing was launched at Sign & Digital show

Grafenia updates on 2021/22 performance

Grafenia is “cautiously optimistic” about the year ahead after reporting an improving sales trend, and expects to further reduce its losses in its upcoming results.

The new integration will be regularly updated

Infigo launches InDesign plugin

Web-to-print developer Infigo has launched InDesign plugin Infigo Invent, following 18 months of development and testing.

Zaikio brings major efficiency gains to print businesses

The surprisingly easy path towards print shop digitisation

For print shops, digitisation can bring major efficiency gains. Done right, it can counteract the increasingly tilted ratio of preparation versus production in print jobs. In procurement, there already...

Midmarket Print Suite is taking centre stage on the ePS stand

ePS uses show as UK springboard

The former MIS wing of EFI, eProductivity Software (ePS), is making its UK show debut with live demos of its flagship platforms at Sign & Digital UK which opened its doors today at the NEC,...

CCE is the first outing in EMEA for EPS as a standalone entity

eProductivity Software preps for corrugated show

MIS and ERP specialist eProductivity Software will exhibit in Europe for the first time as a standalone entity at the upcoming CCE International corrugated show in Germany.

New 6,000sph 100K joins four existing HP Indigo devices at Solopress

Solopress installs landmark HP 100K

HP is celebrating the landmark 100th installation of its HP Indigo 100K, with the B2 sheetfed digital press just installed at Solopress in the UK and due to be signed off this week.

Moo's Farringdon office had featured a 200ft-long spine made of more than 500 paper panels

Covid crisis results in 'long-term improvements' at Moo

Moo lost the equivalent of more than $1m a month during the pandemic-afflicted 2020 trading year as the business racked up exceptional costs of nearly $7m and sales of its core business card products...

Cimpress has been able to leverage its scale

Cimpress Q2 results benefit from pandemic actions

Cimpress’ Upload & Print business has bounced back and was ahead of pre-pandemic levels in the web-to-print giant’s Q2 results.