
Best of British: Industrial inkjet’s wizards

Here’s another pioneering British developer that grew up in the inkjet hothouse around Cambridge.

Star product: eProductivity Software Midmarket Print Suite

A suite of applications “decades in the making” aimed at optimising production processes.

Godson: "The quality we have seen coming off the press is very high and fits in with Baker’s reputation"

Me & my: Digicon 3000

Late last year, Brentwood-based trade label printer Baker Labels spotted a gap in the market.

Printweek editor Darryl Danielli

Putting people first could remedy print’s age-old issue with old age

For more years than I care to remember we’ve talked about the print industry’s ageing workforce as a ‘ticking time bomb’ that will be our undoing.

Star product: CGS Oris Real Substrate Proof

A fully colour-accurate digital proofing system for packaging.

Overmatter: Where there's merch, there's brass

Overmatter wonders whether any prescient printing industry folk have manufacturer merch worth thousands of pounds squirrelled away at the back of the wardrobe?

Pez (right) singing with No Thrills

Q&A: David Warwick, platemaker and stock controller, H&H Reeds

David, also known as ‘Pez’ is 61 and has worked H&H Reeds for 45 years – we reckon he must be print’s longest-serving punk!

Benham: whittler in the making

Rising star: Robyn Benham, creative designer, Coveris 

Robyn is 26, and has been working in the industry since 2021. Her focus at Coveris is on sustainable packaging.

Business inspection: Partnering with a franchise to enhance your business

Few, if any, businesses have survived the economic maelstrom of the last few years by sheer good luck.

Orchard Press: "We’re personable, flexible and approachable"

60 seconds with... Orchard Press

Orchard Press was established 36 years ago and was owned by the Rowley family for 27 years. In 2014, Jason Grubb was approached with an opportunity to buy the business.