Rising star: Robyn Benham, creative designer, Coveris 

Benham: whittler in the making
Benham: whittler in the making

Robyn is 26, and has been working in the industry since 2021. Her focus at Coveris is on sustainable packaging.

She’s a double Rising Star as she was among this year’s successful applicants for The Printing Charity’s Rising Stars programme, and is using her award to invest in further training on design and brand identity. 

What did you study, and did you have a particular career in mind?

I studied Fine Art in Newcastle which taught me how to critique creative work, how to work collaboratively and how to present work professionally to an audience. I knew I wanted to stay in the creative industry and was really excited about graphic design

How did you find your way into the industry?

I got a great opportunity working as a creative manager for a small company, where I had to learn quickly about designing for print, creating social media campaigns and building websites

Did you know anything about print beforehand?

Yes, my dad was a printer for 50 years and has always shared his knowledge with me. I also picked up some experience with digital printing at university

What does your role entail?

It covers a range of different design projects, from working on packaging mock-ups, video editing, social media content creation to designing full brands

What’s the most enjoyable or interesting thing about it?

Working with a wide range of clients and developing an understanding of their brand

Do you have an ideal career path mapped out?

At the moment I am absorbing as much knowledge and experience I can as a designer

What would be your dream job (print related)?

My dream job would be a senior designer focusing on brand identity design

What would be your dream job (not print related)?

A football player or carpenter 

Do you have a ‘side hustle’?

I dabble in whittling but am not at the stage of selling anything yet

What’s top of your playlist at the moment?

Top of my playlist is always soul and at the moment it’s ‘Daydreaming’ by Aretha Franklin

What has surprised you most about working in print?

I think the opportunities available have surprised me

What could print be doing more of to entice young people in?

Teaching young creatives about the opportunities within the print industry!

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