
Overmatter: On a roll
Hygiene products giant Essity has opted for a novel way of gaining the attention of potential graduate recruits – printed loo rolls, complete with QR code.

Overmatter: Shuttleworth’s shelfie
Overmatter is delighted to see The Warple Press in Louth finding fame on X courtesy of legendary singer-songwriter John Shuttleworth.

Overmatter: In the cutest dog house
Does Data Image Group have the most adorable brand champion in print?

Overmatter: Poster boys
Do you want to be in Simon Cowell’s new boyband? Could you be part of the next Westlife or One Direction??

Overmatter: Drupa tunes
The Drupa 2024 team recently treated selected guests, including lucky old Overmatter, to a taster of the Drupa Song that will be the opening soundtrack every day at the upcoming show.

Overmatter: Good Will Dunkings
The ins and outs of American football are a mystery to Overmatter. But the hoopla around the annual Super Bowl event is always something to behold.

Overmatter: Van-tastic cost savings on hotel horrors
Overmatter recently looked into a simple overnight stay at a Premier Inn, but found the price tag blench-makingly higher than anticipated.

Overmatter: the printing shoe
Overmatter loves a cool shoe. Heelys, for example, a work of genius. Light-up LED wellies – also a quite brilliant innovation.

Overmatter: Where there's merch, there's brass
Overmatter wonders whether any prescient printing industry folk have manufacturer merch worth thousands of pounds squirrelled away at the back of the wardrobe?

Overmatter: miniature marvels
What have we here? Teeny tiny replicas of 8in floppy discs and a 1:12 scale model of an Epson RF 80 FT dot matrix printer, complete with punched computer paper. Remember them?