


13014 results found


De La Rue upbeat in half-year results but shares down

De La Rue was upbeat at its half-year stage today (19 December) after achieving a better-than-expected operating profit, although its pre-tax loss widened and its share price was down this morning.

Mm Zakeke1

Me & My: Zakeke visual commerce platform

Online personalisation can be big business in difficult times, if you approach it carefully. The early promise of personalised photobooks disappeared into the clutches of big suppliers who can use a...

Iain Clasper Cotte Campervan

Overmatter: Van-tastic cost savings on hotel horrors

Overmatter recently looked into a simple overnight stay at a Premier Inn, but found the price tag blench-makingly higher than anticipated. 

NU COAT 01 Premises Exterior Printweek Article (17 11 2023)

Coatings clean & green

Nu-Coat prides itself on being the world’s first carbon-neutral manufacturer of self-adhesive products for the sign and graphics sectors. Only set up in 2018 and despite the challenges of lockdowns...


Business inspection: Make your home your own

Moving premises for any print business is no mean feat but add in a complete building redesign, fit-out and kit revamp and it becomes an entirely different beast.

Darren Mcmurray PFI Group Rymack Sign Solutions

Puzzling out PFI’s M&A debacle

A rampant buy-and-build strategy does not automatically result in success – as ex-employees and creditors of PFI Group can sadly testify – so what was the strategy behind the massive growth plan?

Tech Colour

Reliving the colours of an earlier world

It’s easy to think of the past in black and white. The family photographs, movies, books and magazines we see from 100 years ago or older, are resolutely monochrome. We know that people of the times...

Setting Up

Setting up for the first time

It doesn’t take much to set up a business: a good idea, graft, opportunity and of course, appropriate funding. However, it takes thought and planning to last the course and become successful.

Mm Koenigandbauer

Me & My: Koenig & Bauer Rapida 145

Back in March Offset Print & Packaging started the complex installation of the latest, whizziest iteration of Koenig & Bauer’s large-format Rapida offset press, the 145. This is the first one in the...

SP Ax Ultra1

Star product: Axzyra AX-Ultra

A single-pass printer for boxes, paper bags, tote bags, folders, canvas frames and more. It runs at speeds that set it apart from the competition and boasts a price point that makes it difficult to...