


7874 results found

Fujifilm Booth At Drupa 2024 2

Fujifilm's expanded portfolio draws crowds

Fujifilm’s booth was “incredibly busy” on day one of Drupa with crowds flocking to see its much-enlarged portfolio.

01 HEIDELBERG Jetfire 50

Heidelberg takes fresh approach to sheetfed inkjet

Heidelberg has rebooted its sheetfed inkjet ambitions through a new partnership with Canon for B3 and B2 devices, and declared that “hybrid” is the future for production printing.


Drupa: keep your eyes on the prize

Jo Francis ponders a vital p-word as the doors to Drupa 2024 swing open.

KB Durst Varijet 106 Media

The B2 digital press market

Is B2 digital killing B2 offset press sales? When the first B2 format digital presses were announced at Drupa 2008 and 2012, their makers predicted that they would be bought to complement B2 offset...


Election 2024: What it means for print

Prime minister Rishi Sunak has called a general election for 4 July, surprising many pundits with an earlier-than-forecast polling date.

Unite The Union Flags

Flaky supply for Kellogg's as Amcor Flexibles plant strikes

Employees at Amcor Packaging’s Workington site have voted for strike action in late May and Early June after declining a 6% pay rise.


Friedheim to show off 13 manufacturer partners at Drupa

Post-press kit supplier Friedheim international will have 13 of its manufacturer partners exhibiting at Drupa 2024.

Langstane Press

Langstane MD retires after 50 years at firm

Aberdeen business supplies and print firm Langstane Press will see its first change in leadership in 37 years, as managing director Colin Campbell steps back from day-to-day duties.

01Slmarkva06 Cms

IFS lauds partners' premieres and Drupa importance

Intelligent Finishing Systems (IFS) has unveiled the key themes and product launches of its post-press kit manufacturing partners, which include Horizon and Tecnau, as it prepares for what it...

Vale Three Brothers Crop

Vale Press celebrates 40 years with RMGT purchase

Cotswolds-based Vale Press has celebrated its upcoming 40th anniversary with its purchase of a brand-new SRA1 press from RMGT, due for installation in January 2025.