


25458 results found


Election 2024: What it means for print

Prime minister Rishi Sunak has called a general election for 4 July, surprising many pundits with an earlier-than-forecast polling date.

Konica Minolta CEC Rob Ferris

Konica Minolta expands UK presence with new demo centre

Konica Minolta has made a major investment in its UK professional print business with the opening of a new Client Engagement Centre.

Unite The Union Flags

Flaky supply for Kellogg's as Amcor Flexibles plant strikes

Employees at Amcor Packaging’s Workington site have voted for strike action in late May and Early June after declining a 6% pay rise.

CGS Oris Products

Screen takes over German software partner

Screen’s Graphic Solutions business has acquired long-term partner CGS Oris.

SC New Landa S11P Nanographic Printing Press

Landa expands press portfolio with new models

Landa Digital Printing is readying the next generation of its B1 digital print technology ahead of its commercial launch at Drupa.

Greenshires Group Building 2 (1)

Greenshires shortfall revealed

Greenshires Group had less than £5,000 in the bank when it went into administration after plans for a pre-pack sale fell through, leaving a £2m-plus shortfall.

Precision Proco Sheffield Plant

Print with Pride joins with WTTB for open house

Industry event group Print with Pride will collaborate with Where The Trade Buys (WTTB) to host an open-house event at the trade supplier’s Precision Proco factory on 26 June 2024.

SC Insoft Printweek Banner 1120Px X 630Px

Rethinking trade show engagement

Trade shows can be great for marketing, networking and observing new trends and technologies, but is their relevance universally guaranteed or do changing working practices pose an existential threat?


UK apprenticeship system needs reform, urges HR body

The UK’s apprenticeship system is desperately in need of an overhaul, according to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).


Friedheim to show off 13 manufacturer partners at Drupa

Post-press kit supplier Friedheim international will have 13 of its manufacturer partners exhibiting at Drupa 2024.