Prime Print grows with CP Bourg binder

Prime Print Group has shored up its finishing battery after investing in a CP Bourg single-clamp binder as part of a 1m expansion.

The 20-strong group, which comprises Prime Litho, Prime Digital and Prime Stationery, bought the BB3002 binder from Terry Cooper Services.

The £1m spend increased the capacity of Prime's litho and digital departments, including a move to a new 1,021sqm site in Nottingham and the addition of a five-colour Heidelberg Speedmaster 52.

John Tolley, managing director of the Prime Print Group, said that with the company "growing quickly", there was a need "to invest to keep up with demand".

Tolley added that although growth has been "across the board", the firm had garnered a reputation in the digital market by producing variable-data products, for which the new binder is "ideal".

"The gluing system is excellent, it produces a great bind no matter what the book thickness," he added.

The Prime Print Group expects a £2m turnover in the current financial year.