Overmatter: blast from the past

Overmatter loves to take a trip down memory lane, hence PrintWeek’s inside back cover is always a must-read.

A hat-tip and thank-you, then, goes to Antalis communications manager Sam Brown, for sharing a paper-based ‘from the archive’. It’s the property of key accounts sales advisor David Aylwin, who was – wait for it – given the booklet by a neighbour of a customer who found it in their loft! 

This charming little booklet, snappily titled ‘The largest paper making and merchandising organisation in the British Empire’ dates from the 1930s and charts the history of Wiggins Teape.

Given the dark shadow cast over the paper trade by recent events at Paperlinx, it is somewhat soothing to look back at a bygone era of British papermaking glory. 

The book tells us that the firm’s archives contained legal documents dating back to 1799 although its trading history could be traced to the beginning of that century.

Overmatter particularly loves the ‘Wiggins Teape map of the British Isles’ detailing the company’s 18 (18!) British paper mills as well as depicting ships heading for its many global outposts. 

Halcyon days indeed. At the time the company laid claim to being “the largest makers of fine papers in Europe, and the largest users of rags for paper making in the world.” *Sighs wistfully…*