Overmatter: 3D space adventure

Overmatter is a big fan of the International Space Station, and often dashes outside at ungodly hours to wave as its bright light hurtles overhead.

As such, Overmatter is intrigued at news that a 3D printer will soon be blasting off to meet the mission. The imagination can run riot at the potential for wild and crazy 3D printing happenings in space. 

Having seen some pictures on the interweb of ‘when 3D printing goes wrong’ here on earth, the mind boggles at what could transpire in zero gravity. 

In fact, when looking at the Flickr group (The Art of 3D Print Failure) devoted to this fascinating topic we can’t help thinking that some of these 3D printing fails look like – wait for it – ALIENS! 

Perhaps Overmatter watched too many sci-fi films as a child, but this train of thought has sparked speculation about what might transpire should there be a real space alien in the works when the 3D printing gadget goes into orbit. A horrible vision of Alien meets The Thing meets The Day the Earth Stood Still meets The Quatermass Xperiment comes to Overmatter’s feverish mind. Of course we’re sure that the big brains at NASA and Made In Space have this covered, but still…