Overmatter: plants in space

Printing companies often find it difficult to come up with new and creative ideas for their own marketing materials. Which explains why we’ve seen so many brochures with big pictures of printing presses on them over the years.

However, there are notable exceptions, in those companies that bring truly creative ideas of their own to the table. 

Overmatter can but imagine the reaction in the brainstorming meeting when a bright spark at German firm Felga Labels came up with this idea: “How about we send a plant with one of our labels on it INTO SPACE?”

Well, near-space. But that’s still pretty high. Something over 35km. 

Felga attached some of its weatherproof and UV-resistant plastic labels to a sweet little Hawothia imifolia Sardinie Siesta plant, a type of succulent, which was then attached to a weather balloon fitted with high-definition camera. 

Up, up and away they went. The resulting video does indeed contain some spectacular images. And Felga’s labels look pristine throughout which we guess means mission accomplished. Although quite how the succulent fared after its subsequent bumpy landing once the weather balloon had popped is not recorded. 

Whatever next? Magazines on Mars?