Lynx DPM bought by acquisitive Avad

Lynx DPM founder Keith Nicholl has sold 60% of his firm to Avad Group, the business stationery and office products company.

"The sale forms a lovely piece of the jigsaw for Avad, which wanted to move into colour sheetfed work," said Nicholl (pictured), who will remain as a director for three years.

"Lynx gains more financial security and a bigger sales team so it's business as usual. We put in a Xerox iGen3 a few months ago and want to expand variable data into personalised work for professional groups."

He said there would be few changes to the 45-staff firm at Chalgrove, Oxfordshire. Dee Patel, director of Avad Group, based in Northolt, Middlesex, will hold the same post at Lynx.

"We are strong in business stationery and want to get into large-format printing," said Patel. "This is a strong but low-key partnership and we aim to move onwards and upwards.

"Organic growth is difficult and so we are growing by acquisition but, growing carefully."

Both firms had turnover of around 5m each and as a joint force could double to around 20m within three years, said Patel. Avad Group bought Bury St Edmunds' Docuprint off Documedia in 2004 and, according to Patel, the firm is looking to buy two more print firms.

Lynx DPM installed the UK's first 10-colour Komori Lithrone 28 and was "well off with kit" and said Nicholl.