Laminator investment drives finishing growth at Nutan

Leicester-based Nutan Printers has said that the installation of a Foliant Mecury 530SF laminator has driven a 50% increase in demand for lamination work.

According to the commercial printing company, the Mercury, which was purchased from Intelligent Finishing Systems (IFS) and installed in March, has made lamination work on short-run digital jobs faster and more cost-effective.

Nutan co-proprietor Reg Rathod said: "No longer relying on third-party finishers means we can offer lamination on all work and keep costs in-house. Sending it out took time and was costly.

"We have already seen a 50% increase in the amount of lamination we’re doing."

The Mercury 530SF installed at Nutan is a fully automatic model with a top speed of 30m/min.

Nutan operates a number of digital and conventional presses, including a Konica Minolta Bizhub, installed six months ago, and a five-colour Heidelberg Speedmaster SM 52.

Rathod, who assessed other laminators before opting for the Mercury, added: "We liked the Foliant's ease of operation and we believed the build quality was better. We have worked with IFS for a long time and if they have chosen to represent Foliant then we trust the system will meet our expectations."