Heidelberg hits CutStar milestone at Eclipse

Eclipse Colour Print has installed its fourth Heidelberg CutStar, marking the German press giants century of sheeter installations.

"We wouldn't invest in a large perfecting press without CutStar now. The investment pays for itself in a relatively short period," said managing director Simon Moore (pictured right with Heidelberg UK sales director Jim Todd).

The sheeter will be used with the firm's Drupa-ordered 12-colour Speedmaster perfector, which was installed in the summer and replaced a three-year-old 12-colour Speedmaster.

The press is one of four long-perfecting Speedmasters, all with CutStar, at the Kettering-based firm.

"A big advantage of the Cutstar is the fact that cut-off lengths can be varied to suit," said Moore. "This saves a great deal of material, enabling sheetfed to compete with web for certain jobs with higher runs."

The CutStar was launched in 2000, and nearly a quarter of the 100 units sold worldwide have been to the UK.