Q&A: Lucy Swanston, managing director, Nutshell Creative and Topic Heroes Charity

"Embrace change and feel the feel"
"Embrace change and feel the feel"

Lucy has reached “the grand old age of 45” and has been working in the print and agency world for 27 years.

She’s just been appointed as the new chair of the Strategic Mailing Partnership. Lucy is married with three boys (two of whom are twins), and says she enjoys “regular workouts to keep my mind clear and the odd gin to make it less so”. 

What is your nickname? 

Lu Lu or Luce

Why did you get into printing? 

After being knocked off my motorbike which hindered my performing arts career, I landed a job on reception at an exhibition and events agency as a summer job when I was 18 and never left

What would be your dream job? 

Maybe teaching ballet to children or running my own creative agency or even some sort of charity that impacts children’s lives using the power of print… hang on a minute!

Who would play you in a movie about your life? 

Sandra Bullock – she loves a good laugh

What would you most like to print? 

Millions of children’s books they have authored themselves

Have you completed any interesting projects during the various lockdowns?

I launched Nutshell Trade Services during lockdown as a way to provide support to the print industry in unprecedented times. It’s gone from strength to strength since

Who or what do you hate the most?

I don’t hate anyone or anything. I do however, dislike the sound of noisy eaters. Apparently, it’s a recognised condition known as misophonia

Who do you admire most in the industry?

There are too many people to mention. But what I admire most about our industry is how collaborative we are, and that creates a real sense of community

What is your favourite phrase or saying? 

It’s nice to be important but it’s important to be nice

What is your favourite book/what book are you reading at the moment?

I’ve just finished reading Peter Docker’s new book Leading from the Jumpseat

What is the strangest job you’ve ever done?

Chipping potatoes in my dad’s fish and chip shop. It was one hell of a process! 

Who would you like to be stuck on a desert island with?

Bear Grylls for the survival stuff, Jamie Oliver (a girl’s gotta eat), David Brent or Michael McIntyre for belly laughs, Darcey Bussell and Adele for a boogie and singalong

What is your greatest ambition? 

To make a difference, help people and inspire others

What’s your greatest fear? 

Mainly heights but in business it’s letting people down

Who or what makes you laugh? 

My husband! 

What piece of kit would you like to see invented?

A press that could use toner with GPS tracking chips embedded, enabling the printed piece to be tracked in real time through applications such as Google Maps. Imagine then manufacturing a printed piece that is tracked right up until the point it is recycled. Amazon and Google have already confirmed they would be open to adding the technology into their Echo and Google devices to be able to simply request a status update of the printed material, Apple and Microsoft were unavailable for comment. (This was sent to me by a customer as an April fool’s campaign brief ) could be an idea though?!

Or… An anti-negativity device would be good but Elon Musk probably has this covered

Most embarrassing moment?

Walking through London to a new client meeting, straps on my sandals completely snap off and had to sellotape the strapless shoe to my foot. Needless to say, it didn’t work and I had to walk into the meeting barefoot. Graeme from the Cyan Group thought it was highly amusing! 

Where would you like to be right now? 

Southern Italy with friends and family

What’s your worst fashion disaster? 

Most of my charity shop bargains!

Who would be your favourite party guests?

Too many to name but trust me, it would be a night to remember

Where would you go if you could time-travel? 

Back to my summers at the Royal Ballet and Italia Conti

What was your childhood obsession?

All things performing arts

What is the worst kind of print? 

The kind that hasn’t been considered for its use

What was the best business deal that you’ve pulled off? 

In 2008, I was pregnant with our twins and was rushed into hospital with a liver complaint (not from wine!) I was just on the brink of landing a deal with Barclays Spaces for Sport to develop and implement a web-to-print portal for their volunteers to access materials to promote the Barclays sport sites. They gave Nutshell the go ahead the day before an emergency c-section, so there I was laptop on lap in a hospital bed briefing the studio to get it done! 

What advice would you give to your teenage self?

Not everything has to be perfect all of the time. Embrace change and feel the feel

How would you like to be remembered? 


Life is…? 

What you make it!