Regional risers... Ashley House Printing

Where Exeter
Staff 16
Turnover £1.7m last year

What does the firm do? The company works with a range of design agencies, local authorities and corporate clients and produces work from business cards to corporate brochures

Who are the brains behind the outfit? Rob Otton is managing director; Jackie Snow is production manager; Neville Taylor is studio manager; Angela Woodgate is head of estimation
How much has it grown? The firm has increased turnover from less than £750,000 to £1.7m in the past seven years and has invested in a host of pre-press technology including a Heidelberg Suprasetter, running with the manufacturer’s PrintReady workflow, including a MetaDimension RIP and Signastation imposition software. In 2007, it updated its finishing department with a Polar 92X guillotine, Stahlfolder T52 and a Stitchmaster ST100-4 saddlestitcher. The company also operates a five-colour Speedmaster SM 74 press

What does the future hold? The firm wants to install a seven-colour HP Indigo digital offset press and increase its short-run print and on-demand capabilities. Ashley House also plans to further improve its environmental standing. It has ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications