A new-look magazine that reflects the power of print

Welcome to your new and improved <i>PrintWeek</i>. You've probably noticed some obvious changes already, such as the heavier paper stock - our underlying message is that, as our cover wrap suggests, we love the power of print.

However, there’s no doubt that in the six years since our last redesign, the industry has changed. More than that, so has the way that you want to digest the latest news, views and in-depth features. We want to reflect that.

We live in a cross-media world – so much of the redesign is focused on building the links between print and online. Many of you also regularly use our website, so introducing elements like ‘Seven days’ on p8/9 and online-style article tagging was blindingly obvious.

When we asked you about how you made your purchasing decisions, it was clear that the area that we could add real value editorially was by focusing our product reviews on in-depth, independent peer assessments. This we have done, starting on p22.

Then there are the features: our technology and business features scored highly on your ‘must-reads’ but you also wanted the occasional light-hearted element.  Hence we’ll regularly have more quirky features under the strapline ‘Wayzgoose’, in a nod to print’s proud history – in case you’re wondering, a wayzgoose is a feast or entertainment laid on by a master printer. You can read our first one on p33.

Print is a tough industry, but it’s also one full of opportunity, entrepreneurial spirit, technological development and, clearly, humour. I hope we can mirror these and the industry’s many other laudable facets in your new-look PrintWeek.

Darryl Danielli is editor of PrintWeek