When pigs do fly

Tussling with the TV remote on Saturday afternoon in an attempt to ensure I successfully recorded the evening's must-see entertainment (Harry Hill's TV Burp, of course), I found myself watching a Moonpig advert.

Moonpig, for the uninitiated, is an online greetings card business that lets customers customise proper printed cards with the names and/or pictures of the recipient. Regular readers who are aware of my aversion to e-cards will understand why I'm a fan of this particular business. The firm has been in operation since the year 2000 so it was a relatively early entrant in the whole web-to-print and personalised digital print field - certainly in terms of basing an entire business around it.

So, it was exciting to see the company promoting its wares on TV with a delightfully cheesy ad. You can see it here. I hope business is booming and I hope the firm's efforts result in more people choosing a tangible card that people will enjoy for ages, and possibly treasure forever (my nephew still talks about the bespoke Moonpig card he received for his 21st birthday, complete with a picture of his four-year-old self) rather than a transient email.