Pigs in space

What a stonking set of results from Moonpig, and what a great success story the firm is, especially when you consider how many of its early dotcom compatriots soon fell by the wayside.

Here's a headline that puts today's figures into perspective: "Moonpig sales up to £7,000 per day". That was the summer of 2002. The equivalent sum done on its 2008/09 turnover of £20.9m returns a figure of £57,260. Impressive stuff indeed, as is the fact that while growing sales so spectacularly - up 164% year-on-year - and producing a profit margin to die for (32%), it has also grown the profit per card printed.

Inspiring stuff from Nick Jenkins and his team. I'm intrigued to know whether it was the TV advertising campaign, high-profile internet advertising, or a combination plus perhaps something else altogether that has made this particular pig go stratospheric. 

What next, I wonder? Could this little piggy be going to market?