Printweek and the coronavirus challenges

Printweek: your trusted source of industry information
Printweek: your trusted source of industry information

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR: In light of the dramatic changes currently impacting the sector because of government advice and support for business, we’re making some short-term changes to Printweek.

Like all businesses across the country, we know that print companies have been impacted by the government’s social distancing measures and as a result many of you will be reading this from home.

So, we have emailed our magazine subscribers with details about how to temporarily change the address their magazine is delivered to during this situation. Please look out for the email, with the subject line "Redirect your copy of Printweek", which should have arrived in your inboxes yesterday.

If you subscribe to Printweek, but didn't receive an email to update your address, you can also manually change your address here.

Please note, this service is only available for readers who currently receive the magazine – if you don’t, but would like to, you can register here.

We have always taken pride in our ABC audited and certified circulation and to ensure that our 8,350 subscribers have the opportunity to update their addresses, we have held back publishing the April issue of Printweek and will instead publish a combined April/May issue at the end of the month.

In terms of other changes, in these incredibly unusual times, at least one thing will be business as usual for Printweek – we will continue to strive to be your trusted source of industry information for as long as we have the valued support of our commercial partners, your suppliers. There’s no doubt that there will be tough times ahead, but provided we pull together we can get through this.

For our part, we will do our level best to keep you informed of all the latest news and views shaping the sector, highlight positive stories wherever we can but never shy away from the tougher ones, and continue to update and keep sending our Daily News Bulletin.

On that note, you can sign up for our bulletins here.

We’ve also launched a new, hopefully short-lived, coronavirus news channel on as a repository for the latest news and advice, useful links and our matchmaking service where printers can flag up availably capacity.

And we’re in the process of putting together a new microsite to host video demonstrations and technical details of some of the kit that was scheduled to be launched at industry events this year. Our hope is that this will enable you to stay fully up to speed on the technology developments that might help your business as the world gets back on its feet and the ‘new normal’ presents new opportunities.

Finally, regarding the Printweek Awards, we will be launching those shortly.

While we fully appreciate that at this moment in time entering is quite possibly the furthest thing from your minds, at some point the world will return to normal. For now, though, all we ask is that you pencil in the 19 October for the industry’s night of nights – because whatever happens, come October I’m pretty sure we’ll all need a good night out to celebrate being on the other side of this!

Right now, though, the sincerest hope of me and the Printweek team is that you and yours stay safe and well.







Editor & Publisher