New faces on cosmetics counter

When it comes to mastering the art of brand extension, Pantone really are right up there. The other day I discovered by chance that it's now possible to buy Pantone makeup - would you believe it?

Pantone has teamed up with beauty retailer Sephora for the range, launched in New York via a clever pop-up shop that looks like - you guessed it - a giant Pantone colour guide swatchbook.

The products, including lipsticks, eyeshadows and nail colours are themed around the Pantone Universe Colour of the Year, Tangerine Tango. Not quite sure the palette of "lush red-oranges" will do much for yours truly. But still, there could be an acceptable toenail colour in their I s'pose.

Perhaps more surprising cosmetic brand extension news comes from Fujifilm (yes, Fujifilm) which has taken collagen and antioxidant know-how gleaned from making film emulsions and transmogrified it into a range of anti-ageing face creams that go by the brand name of Astalift.

Whatever next? It's already possible to buy beauty products featuring nano technology, so perhaps Benny Landa might consider expanding his nano printing product range - nano spray tan, anyone?