Irrational irritations

Jo Francis reckons time spent finding out the actual facts will be time well spent

Ill-informed and judgmental. Oh, and jumping to a conclusion based on no salient information whatsoever, and that happens to be the polar opposite of the actuality.

I’ve experienced various instances of people who’ve become aerated about something-or-other over recent weeks involving all of the behaviours above.

Why on earth do people do this? It’s tedious and tremendously unhelpful. And it can’t be good for the blood pressure.

It’s also pretty alarming to think that people are out there making business decisions based on a blinkered viewpoint and no known facts whatsoever.

Doubtless I’ve been guilty of doing exactly the same sort of thing myself at one time or another.

But every time I’m on the other end of someone else’s irrationality, it reminds me that this sort of behaviour is a one-way street to either making myself look stupid, or making a stupid mistake. Or indeed, both.

So here’s a top tip: actively challenge your prejudices about a particular situation, or person. And do try to ascertain the facts of a matter before going into blowhard mode.

It’s a surefire route to better decision-making.