


13840 results found


Best of British: Ink in the veins

For more than 60 years, RK Print Coat instruments has been faithfully serving the global inks and coating sectors with indispensable test kits.


Keeping the wheels turning

It’s hard to know which is worse – a print company with not enough business, or a firm with enough work but plant that has broken down. Neither are ideal and both are worrying.

Owen Purkis Citipost

Q&A: Owen Purkis, director of print services, Citipost

Owen’s journey in the industry began at 17 when he started working at his father’s print business.


Lifelong learning

Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company and pioneer of mass production, once said: “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.

Sp Fiery Df

Star Product: Fiery Digital Factory v11.1

A wide-format-specific RIP for high-fidelity colour printing with high-end job management tools.

Mm Xenons NEW

Me & My: Xenons 180

Chinese built machinery is now very common in the printing sector, though it’s not always obvious because some of it carries reassuringly familiar European or Japanese brands, which lend it a feeling...


Succession and selling up

There are stories of print company owners moving on and selling up. And there are accounts of individuals dying leaving survivors to deal with the firm’s future. The reality is that no small privately...

Valepress Digimoll

Make Up Print Finishers brings gluing in-house

Make Up Print Finishers, the trade finishing arm of Gloucestershire-based Vale Press Group, has automated its in-house gluing process with a brand-new Moll Digi-MollPak folder-gluer.

Mirko Kern New Manroland Sheetfed CEO April 2024

Manroland Sheetfed appoints new CEO, focused on own events over Drupa

Manroland Sheetfed has a new CEO and has opted to run its own ‘world tour’ instead of exhibiting at Drupa.


Former football ace barred over media biz

A former Liverpool and England footballing ace has been disqualified after his media business was wound up by HMRC.