


16021 results found

Ultimate Bindery Flow Diagram

Star product: Ultimate TechnoGraphics Ultimate Bindery 5.8

A unique solution for creating and testing finishing workflows.


Me & My: KSP rigid boxmaking system

Not too long ago there was a branch of specialist packaging with the wonderfully evocative description ‘fancy boxes’. Sadly, the ‘fancy’ tag has more or less died out nowadays, but demand for robust...


EPR: is it workable?

The trade is well aware – or should be so by now – of the government’s Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging (EPR) legislation that aims to move the full cost of managing household waste onto...


The collapse of Communisis

Forged in the heady days of the early noughties, Communisis looked like it would dominate the communications market. It never quite fulfilled its potential, but what was behind its demise?

Coverfeat 1

The route to success

For any one of a myriad of reasons, certain people manage to rise above others. But what makes a great leader – someone who is successful in their chosen field, a person that is revered and admired,...

Chris Pertwee Baddeley Brothers

Q&A: Chris Pertwee, production director, Baddeley Brothers 

Chris has worked in print since 1992. He started at the Financial Times newspaper aged 21 “which was quite the experience and baptism of fire into the world of print!”

Dunkings Affleck Brady Damon

Overmatter: Good Will Dunkings

The ins and outs of American football are a mystery to Overmatter. But the hoopla around the annual Super Bowl event is always something to behold.

SP Mo 240 Roland Dg

Star product: Roland DG VersaObject MO-240

A compact high-resolution colour printer for 3D objects.

Customer Service

Don’t skimp on service: it’s the customers who make a business bloom

Keeping a sharp focus on prioritising great service can pay dividends across the whole scope of an enterprise.


CCS preps for new print deals worth £1.7bn

Crown Commercial Service will start approaching the market next month with a massive £1.7bn contract opportunity for printing and related services – including ‘Print Marketplace 2’.