


9380 results found

Jeff Zucker Redbird IMI

Telegraph owner-in-waiting moves to assure doubters

The American former media executive helming the controversial Abu Dhabi-backed bid for the Telegraph and Spectator titles has described RedBird IMI as being “a little bit smarter than some of our...

Ink Edibles Ltd Marry Me Toast. Image Ink Edibles

Director disqualified after Covid loan support given to dormant firm

A director of a business specialising in personalised sweets and other edible items has been barred for a decade for claiming a taxpayer-backed Bounce Back Loan on false pretences.

No10 Chancellor Reception

IPIA champions print at chancellor meeting

The IPIA has continued to champion print at the heart of government, with its chair Charles Rogers having recently attended a Business Leaders Reception at No 10 Downing Street at the invitation of...

Communisis Brand 2

Communisis in admin, parts of business sold

Communisis has gone into administration with parts of the business immediately sold to a new owner, but more than half its workforce has been laid off.


New year predictions: Keith Boyce, Minuteman Press King's Lynn

Minuteman Press King's Lynn owner Keith Boyce is hoping to see inflation back under control in 2024.

07 July Durham Box

Review of 2023: July

Our annual round-up of all the big news stories from the past 12 months – July.


Review of 2023: February

Our annual round-up of all the big news stories from the past 12 months – February.

Print Image Network John Foster Stephen Power

Print Image Network bought by investment firm

Electoral print specialist Print Image Network (PIN) has been bought by London-based investment firm Owner Venture Managers (OVM) as part of a phased retirement plan for PIN founders John Foster and...


If you’re buying a new business for Christmas, beware of overindulging

If you’re wondering what the discerning print boss wants for Christmas this year, then reading this issue’s News Digest implies what they really, really want is another print business.

Horizon AFV566FKTA Ice (2)

Sharman and Co ups flexibility with Horizon install

Newspaper printer Sharman and Co has taken on a Horizon AFV-566FKT fully automated folder to help deliver greater application flexibility.