


30301 results found

Field trials for cattle smart tag

Field Boxmores Bourne label business is locked in a dispute with a Cambridge smart tag developer over an order for intelligent labels to attach to the ears of cattle.


Omicron Repro shares concerns over new Covid variant name

Canterbury printer Omicron Repro has had positive support from its customers despite an initial period of concern over the name of the latest Covid variant.


Tukaiz cites personalisation for revenue boost

Though there are few hard numbers yet on whether personalisation will be the new driver of traditional direct mail, Franklin Park, IL-based Tukaiz - along with several of its clients - have already...


Playing the name game

Printers, on the whole, are not a bashful bunch. They are proud of their work, their skills and their machines and they will happily tell you as much.


Domain name revamp paves way for '.print' web addresses

A proposal to dramatically increase the number of internet domain name suffixes has been approved paving the way for an almost limitless variety of domain endings, including .print and .packaging.


Name change gives Gemini Brighton strong regional focus

Andus Print has changed its name to Gemini Brighton to anchor the 15-staff litho and digital company firmly within the Gemini Group of printers.


Trinity shareholders approve name change as revenues fall

Trinity Mirror will change its name to Reach next week after shareholders overwhelmingly backed the rebrand at the group’s Annual General Meeting, but sales at the publishing company have continued to...


New name means new business for EBM Managed Services

Essex Business Machines has rebranded as EBM Managed Services (EBM) as it expands its remit to provide IT as well as print management.

Pafra takes WH Leary name

Carton gluing and quality assurance firm Pafra Systems has changed to its US parents name, WH Leary, as part of the groups global expansion plan.