Name change gives Gemini Brighton strong regional focus

Andus Print has changed its name to Gemini Brighton to anchor the 15-staff litho and digital company firmly within the Gemini Group of printers.

The printing and fulfillment business makes £2m from clients such as the local council and businesses and agencies. It runs a five-colour B2 Komori Spica, two Heidelberg Speedmasters, a two- and a four-colour machine, CTP and design kit.

Managing director Dave Britton said: "The rebrand is part of the business strategy to firmly position the brand within the Gemini Group. The new name will help communicate the company’s clear Brighton focus."

The group includes Gemini Press in Shoreham, West Sussex, Gemini West in Bristol and Britton’s newly-named firm in East Sussex.

Britton said he was keen to highlight his team’s green credentials: the company has ISO 14001, FSC and PEFC accreditations while equipment is alcohol free, plates are free of chemistry and only vegetable inks are used.

"We are proud that Gemini Brighton is the only on-site expert printer in the city and that we have such a strong eco-grounding," said Britton.

"Our operation was established around 25 years ago and has enjoyed an enviable reputation in the Brighton market ever since.

"The rebrand will maintain our Brighton focus while also help communicate our extended service offerings as part of the larger Gemini Group."

Clarification: Contrary to information in an earlier version of this story, Gemini Digital in Bridgend is in no way associated with the Gemini Group.