


41865 results found


New year predictions: Peter Zillig, Tag Worldwide

Peter Zillig, chief executive of Tag Worldwide EMEA, is hoping for a Red (Devils) Christmas and believes responsiveness and collaboration will be key for the print industry in 2015.

Shock as joint MDs leave Litho Supplies

<b>Breaking news: Friday, 5.10pm.</b>Gerry Mulvaney and Terry Cooper, the joint managing directors at the UK's biggest printing consumables and equipment distributor, have sensationally resigned from...

Creative Repro Company of the Year - Commended: Tag

Tag, having won this award two years on the trot, has this year been commended for its submissions, including work carried out for Ford with agency Ogilvy.


Adventa debuting QuickPro Direct

Adventa (A1-E19) has launched QuickPro Direct, a canvas wall art product for flatbed printers, at its inaugural Fespa.

Wal-Mart will use Rafsec RFID tags

Rafsec, the UPM-Kymmene subsidiary, is involved in an initiative to eventually replace the barcode with Radio Frequency Identification transponders (RFIDs).


Absolute Digital Print returns to litho production with Ryobi purchase

Absolute Digital Print has reinvested in standard litho production with the installation of a Ryobi 784E following requests from several customers wanting a B2-size format.


Former Montgomery Litho boss acquires DS Smith Pollokshaws

Thomas Montgomery, the former owner of the collapsed Scottish print group Montgomery Litho, has returned to print as part of a buy-in management buy-out (BIMBO) team at DS Smith Plastics Print...


Williams Lea Tag boosts omni-channel proposition with THP buy

Williams Lea Tag (WLT) has acquired on-demand digital content and social media agency THP.

Mixing digital and litho works best for visitors and exhibitors

Exhibitors at Total Print! Expo (TPE) have said that the show has cemented the view that litho and digital are complementary rather than competitive technologies.