Imprint investment

Pureprint Group installs its first Durst

(L-R) Pureprint Imprint MD Dave Bullivant and operations manager Tony Neal
(L-R) Pureprint Imprint MD Dave Bullivant and operations manager Tony Neal

Pureprint Imprint, the large-format and retail services division of Pureprint Group, has taken on a Durst P5 350 HSR D4 3.5m-wide LED printer.

The group said the decision to invest in the Durst machine for its Newcastle plant was driven by features including its high production speed – up to 670 sqm/hr – and versatile material handling.

The machine, additional to the company’s kit portfolio, was installed in April following an evaluation by the business into other roll-to-roll machines on the market. It's the firm's first machine from the Italian wide-format manufacturer.

Pureprint Imprint said it would benefit from improved ink mileage, enhanced manufacturing throughput, heightened reliability, and improved quality of products, particularly retail light boxes.

The group now aims to expand its product offering to include a range of new items, including poster bags, Heras fencing, lamppost banners, flex-face skins, museum banners, seat kill banners, building wraps, tier and vomitory dressing, scaffolding banners, and crowd barriers.

Dave Bullivant, managing director of Pureprint Imprint, said: “We are excited for the start of this journey with Durst as our partner in OOH product production and the opportunities this opens up for new and existing clients.”

Peter Bray, UK and Ireland managing director of Durst Group, added: “We are delighted to welcome Pureprint Imprint into the Durst family with this strategic investment in our cutting-edge digital printing platform, the P5 350 HSR, as we continue to offer complete solutions from pixel to output.

“Leading by innovation, our technology will help Pureprint Imprint further with its business goals as the company continues to grow markets.”

135 staff work at the circa-7,000sqm Pureprint Imprint site, which also runs Inca flatbeds, an EFI Vutek hybrid printer, and an array of CAD, welding, stitching, and finishing equipment.