Overmatter: toilet humour

With Christmas approaching fast, Overmatter is spending a considerable amount of time studying the backs of Christmas cards, and rolls of wrapping paper, for that all-important ‘Printed in UK’ detail.

However, thanks to Stationers’ Hall a further seasonal print item is now also on Overmatter’s radar. At a recent pre-Christmas lunch at the beautiful venue, Overmatter was pleased to note some additional attention to festive detail in the shape of ‘The Snowman’ decorated loo rolls in the restrooms. 

The Snowman and the Snow Dog design is, apparently, exclusive to tissueware supplier Nicky, and is also available as kitchen rolls. 

Meanwhile, there’s a Groupon deal for up to 45 Christmas-themed toilet rolls and kitchen rolls from Portuguese firm Renova, for those expecting a serious number of guests over the holidays. 

Last but not least, shameless price point of the season must go to Paperchase, and its ‘Bad Santa’ design toilet roll (we’ll draw a veil over what Bad Santa is doing), which is an absolute snip at £6 for a single roll. “Literally toilet humour.” Who says there’s no money in print?