Overmatter: Moon by name...

Yet again, there was tea all over the screen at PrintWeek Towers after Overmatter saw this tweet from online greetings card behemoth Moonpig.

The response to “please stop uploading pics of your genitals to our cards it is against our ts and cs” has been entertaining, to say the least. 

At the time of typing the tweet had been liked more than 75,000 times, with more than 28,000 retweets. 

The replies are PRICELESS in the main, although unsurprisingly some do contain what could be described as ‘adult themes’. Hat-tip to @_ScottBond for this: “Do you do pop-up cards? Asking for a friend.”

We wonder at the technology deployed at Moonpig HQ to, um, winkle out this banned activity. Or, like in the old days of photo-labs, is some poor sap required to QC all imagery, as one PrintWeek source confessed: “This reminds me of the time I took an ‘amusing’ photo of my nether regions involving a pair of sunglasses. When I got the pics back there was a sticker on it saying over-exposed and under-developed.”

It has also given Overmatter pause for thought: is Moonpig missing out on an X-rated gap in the market, here?