New Year predictions - Precision Printing's Gary Peeling

Gary Peeling, managing director, Precision Printing

What trend do you think 2012 will remembered for?

Digital print matured

What do you think will represent the single biggest opportunity for printers in 2013 and why? 

Providing "cut through" for marketers, printed media provides the perfect antidote to falling email response rates, print and direct mail are working better than ever, the "brand in the hand" is beginning to occupy a more premium space and is the perfect medium for more restrained and robust marketing

What do you think will represent the single biggest threat for printers in 2013 and why?

Running out of cash, after a pro-longed period of depressed demand, cash reserves are at their lowest and support will continue to be hard to find

What’s the one thing that the industry should do more of, or do better, in 2013?

Understanding the benefits or outcomes of our products thoroughly rather than focusing on the "how" we need to be able to communicate and prove the "why". We need to work together as a community to gather the research, tools and training to take this message to market in a consistent and coherent fashion

What was your highlight of 2012?

Witnessing the links between social media and print starting to take shape, we get to play along once again and may well be providing one of the few solid options to monetise this phenomenon

What are your hopes for 2013?

That the positive movement in the employment figures begins to manifest itself in increased budgets

What was the most important thing that you learnt in 2012?

Beware of big events like the Olympics they can alter sales activity dramatically and not always in a positive fashion

What will you do differently in 2013?

Smile in pictures for advertising campaigns

What does the industry need to do differently in 2013?

Stride more confidently we have a great product and a fantastic story, we just need to tell it