Guardian group signs up to Vio Adsend low-cost ad service

Guardian News & Media (GNM) has become the first national newspaper publisher to sign up to Vio Worldwide's low-cost ad management and delivery service Adsend.

Advertisers wishing to place ads in GNM's titles, which include The Guardian and The Observer newspapers, will now be able to use Vio's Websend-based system, which charges just £4 per ad, regardless of size.

Keith Fielding, head of ad services at GNM, said the publisher was "pleased to be the first to go live" with the Adsend system, which he described as "the future of ad management".

"This is great news for our clients and enables us to offer an efficient ad delivery service," he said. "The Vio Adsend portal is very much the future of ad management systems. It can save money and make life cheaper and easier for our advertisers."

In addition to its low cost of delivery, which Vio claims could be more than 90% cheaper than comparable systems for a full page ad, Adsend allows users to strip out cost by reducing the amount of manual intervention required.

Vio Worldwide managing director Chris Friend said: "Where the Adsend system makes life particularly interesting is where we integrate it at both the sender's end and the receiver's end, so that you're actually stripping out additional manual processes.

"The impact is a lot deeper than merely reducing the cost from £22 by an alternative system for a half page down to £4 – it's actually looking at the end-to-end cost savings that can be offered."

Gavin Page, European sales director at Vio, added that other publishers were lining up to get on board with the Adsend system.

"In the coming weeks other UK national and regional titles will go live, adding to the magazine and international titles our users already send to," he said.

"They're all very interested in becoming part of the Adsend community," added Friend. "Watch this space."

Vio launched its Adsend, Software as a Service (SaaS), ad delivery tool in February 2009.