Rising star: Jay Patel Senior digital press operator, Micropress 

Patel: targeting traffic lights
Patel: targeting traffic lights

Jay is 26 and started out as an apprentice at Micropress Printers in Reydon, Suffolk in September 2020.

He completed his NVQ L3 Print Technician course in February 2023, and was highly commended in the Trainee of the Year category at this year’s Printweek Awards.

What did you study, and did you have a particular career in mind?

I studied engineering at college, but I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. I did investigate employment in the offshore energy sector; however, I soon realised the lifestyle wasn’t for me. I then began to look at factory work and the different types of engineering-related jobs and apprenticeships

How did you find your way into the industry?

My friend told me about an apprenticeship at Micropress. I took an interest as I would be operating and maintaining machines which I was really interested in. My friend had followed the same path and found Micropress a nice place to work

Did you know anything about print beforehand?

I didn’t even know it was a job and I find this quite frustrating to be honest. I often now help Micropress with careers fairs and internal workshops to engage younger people with the world of print. You hear nothing about it at school and often the door is only opened due to family and friends

What does your role entail?

To produce quality print, in a timely manner while ensuring the good maintenance of the presses

What’s the most enjoyable or interesting thing about it?

The fast-paced and tight deadlines are what gives digital print its thrill. Each day is different, so I come across different challenges every day making each day even more enjoyable. The development of the digital technology is also fascinating. 

Do you have an ideal career path mapped out?

I always take things one step at a time, once I’ve reached my short-term goals, I will set new ones that are realistic and can be reached within two-to-five years

Do you have a ‘side hustle’?

In my spare time I take scrap bikes and repair them to sell them on – it’s great to see how old items can be brought back to life again

What has surprised you most about working in the printing industry?

The layout of dots and lines to produce an image. My mind was blown away

What could the printing industry be doing more of to entice young people into print?

Introduce open days to colleges, courses in print or taster sessions within schools 

If you ruled the world...?

If I ruled the world, traffic would all be a one-way system – traffic lights would be no more!