Q&A: Paul Denne, managing director, Manor Creative

After leaving school, Paul became a trainee at an accountants in Eastbourne, and from there moved to property search specialists Strutt & Parker as a client accountant. Wanting to move into industry, Denne joined East Sussex-based Manor Creative as finance manager in September 2004. He became finance director and shareholder in July 2007, and managing director of this litho, digital, office supplies and promotional gift printers in December 2012.

What is your nickname? The only one that springs to mind is Sums, courtesy of my kind production manager. At least, that’s the only one I hear…

Why did you get into printing? I wanted to work in industry and when I was interviewed at Manor I liked the company and the progression I could see the management structure offered

What would be your dream job? Doesn’t every man want to be a racing driver? For me it’s that or working with tigers! I did a day at a zoo once and got to stroke and feed a tiger, which was amazing

What is your dream bit of kit? It’s actually not a piece of printing equipment, more like a Lamborghini Gallardo

What would you most like to print? Something not driven down on price

What is your favourite film? Bad Boys – action, comedy, fast cars… a great mix

What is your favourite TV show? A tough choice between The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones – it’s a bit of escapism to unwind

Who or what do you hate the most? Lateness – me being late or people being late for me

Who would you like to be stuck on a desert island with? My family. Then it’s just an awesome holiday!

What is your greatest fear? Cancer – there’s far too much of it around nowadays

Where would you like to be right now? Back relaxing in the Maldives

What was your worst fashion disaster? Looking back it would have to be the shell suits of the eighties!

Who would be your favourite party guests? After family and friends, I would throw a few comedians and DJs into the mix. Not that I have any ability on the dance floor

Where would you go if you could time travel? Part of me wants to go back to 1966, as I’ll never see us win a World Cup at this rate

What is the worst kind of print? The print you don’t get paid for, which is not your fault. You can’t always foresee large corporates being mismanaged and leaving smaller companies with bad debts

How would you like to be remembered? As someone who put their family 


Life is? About family and enjoying yourself