Q&A: Graham Prichard, print manager, National Trust

“Too old to rock and roll too young to die!” Graham hit 60 this year and retires on 21 December after 41 years in the industry. Retirement will mean spending time at home with his wife of 38 years, Rachel, plus “really getting to learn how to play the three guitars I now own, plus perhaps getting my golf handicap into single figures.”

What is your nickname? 

Somewhat predictably… Prich

Why did you get into printing? 

Not good enough for university, needed a job, had a vague notion about being a journalist… There was a job going at HE Warne in St Austell, owned by Max Harvey, and that was the beginning of my career in this industry

What would be your dream job? 

It might sound a bit corny – or ‘pass me the bucket’ – but I think I’ve just had it. Being print manager for the National Trust allowed me to be poacher turned gamekeeper, and enabled me to use the skills I’d spent so long acquiring for the benefit of a great organisation

Who would play you in a movie about your life? 

Anthony Hopkins

What is your dream bit of kit? 

My new Patrick James Eggle, 96 Drop Top! A birthday present from the good lady – hopefully I’ll do it justice by learning to play it well

What would you most like to print? 

Can you better a 484pp, annual colour book, that is the NT Handbook, at over three million copies?

Cat or dog, or…?

We have a 12-year-old German Shepherd. A really gentle woolly bear

What is the strangest job you’ve had? 

Butcher’s assistant as a Saturday job

What is your greatest ambition?

I’m pleased to say I have hit all my ambitions through the years – so what’s left? Probably to learn the guitar to the best of my ability

What’s your greatest fear? 

Loss of control, for a production person that’s a fate worse than death!

Who or what makes you laugh? 

Good comedy like the Two Ronnies, Ben Elton, etc. Sadly, not so much great comedy around these days

What piece of kit would you like to see invented? 

The Teleporter – getting fed while being stuck in traffic

Life is…? 

Too short to be working all the time