Q&A: Andy Stevens, head of client services, VR Print

Andy has been in print for over 35 years. In that time he’s been agency side, worked in publishing, design, print management and is now back in manufacturing. He’s married with five boys and lives in the Kent countryside. “My passion is music and I play guitar in a local band, playing as often as possible,” he says

What is your nickname? 

Andybang (from my love of all things pyrotechnic)

Why did you get into printing? 

My dad worked for Monotype, then as a typesetter. We worked together briefly at my first job with Alabaster Passmore & Sons in Kent

What would be your dream job? 

What – other than this..? OK – how about a professional session musician

Who would play you in a movie about your life? 

How about David Essex!

What is your dream bit of kit?

Fender Vibrolux (oh, you mean print kit don’t you…) Our digital foiler is pretty cool

What is your favourite film? 

Planes Trains & Automobiles. Pretty accurately plays out my usual travel calamities – oh yeah, remembered another nick-name. “Airport Andy” (apparently, I go through some kind of metamorphoses the moment I enter an airport)

What is your favourite TV programme? 

Pretty much most things on Netflix – loved The Amazing Mrs Maisel, Breaking Bad was epic. Got to love a Netflix binge

Sweet or savoury?


Who or what do you hate the most?

Corny, but…. insincere and/or narcissistic people – come on guys, be nice!

Who do you admire most in the industry? 

Not just because he pays my mortgage, Andrew Balcombe has a rare talent for building a team, inspiring the best from people and being honest and insightful. I helped him build IPS into a great Print Management company in the mid ‘90s and am delighted to be back on board at VR Print

What is your favourite phrase or saying? 

“Put your money away, I’ll get this” (that’s a saying, right?)

What is your favourite album? 

Out of the Blue, ELO. Bloody classic

Cat or dog, or…?

We have “Grand-Dogs” They come and visit, it’s fun, then they go home with the kids. Perfect

What is your greatest luxury in life?

Loving our Sonos system at the moment. Intuitive and brilliant sound and build quality.

Who would you like to be stuck on a desert island with? 

My wife of course… and Bear Grylls. Oh, hang on, she quite likes him, maybe just him then

What is your greatest ambition? 

Learning a guitar solo that sounds like I know what I’m doing

What’s your greatest fear? 

Playing a guitar solo where it’s obvious I don’t know what I’m doing

Who or what makes you laugh? 

My 14-year-old son Louis is hilarious – sometimes intentionally

Which celebrity would you like to get out of here? Why? 

That annoying man-child on Britain’s got more or less talent and a few other random ITV spin-offs – Steven Mulhern. Is it me….?

Most embarrassing moment?

The photo I shared with my barber thinking it was a hair style, but was in fact a not very flattering and slightly rude photo of me my wife had sent me – along with the hair style photo. Awkward.

Where would you like to be right now? 

Beach – any beach really

What’s your worst fashion disaster? 

I’m told that green leather lederhosen aren’t very fashionable. Is that right? (I was six)

Which superpower would you like to have? 

Unlimited health – actually, the ability to share unlimited health would be nicer

Who would be your favourite party guests?

Happiest with family. We have five boys between us so they are good fun

Where would you go if you could time-travel? 

Funny enough I just had this conversation with my wife – the right answer apparently is back to the moment we met. Or 30 years ago to buy every house I could in Notting Hill

What is the worst kind of print? 

Any print which is produced at on-line prices but requires account managing to make it work. No money and no lessons learned from the client

What advice would you give to your teenage self?

Don’t worry – everyone else is making it up as they go along. They just seem like they have a plan

How would you like to be remembered? 

As a kind person

Life is…? 

Wonderful We are a long time dead. Cherish every day like it’s your last, one day it will be