Q&A Gail Duncan Team manager, Marqetspace – the trade printer

Gail is 40 years old and lives in Manchester with Amy, her wife of five years, and their two cats and one dog. She has worked in print for 19 years and says: “I’ll have to bake a cake for next year!”

Why did you get into printing?
My background is in graphic design – my first job was mainly designing nightclub and pub flyers for local businesses. My dad also worked in print, so maybe some ink rubbed off on me

What would be your dream job?
I would love to be an artist and spend my days in creative flow

What is your dream bit of kit?
I’m a big fan of Andy Warhol and would love to produce big prints on huge silkscreens like he used

Sweet or savoury?
Savoury every time – so many more complex and interesting flavour combinations

Who do you admire most in the industry?
The Printing Charity for the support they provide for those in the industry and the encouragement for those just starting out

What is your favourite album?
Who doesn’t like a good wail along to Jagged Little Pill by Alanis Morissette

What is your favourite book/what book are you reading at the moment?
I’m currently listening to Ramble Book by Adam Buxton. The audio book is read by Adam himself, so it feels like a very extended version of his podcast

Cat or dog, or…?
Cats are much lower maintenance, but having a dog has really made me appreciate the seasons

What is the strangest job you’ve ever done?
During my time at a stewarding company, I worked as security for the Queen at one of her Golden Jubilee events

What’s your greatest fear?
I’m not an especially bad loser, but have been known to swerve board games so as not to appear unintelligent

Most embarrassing moment?
Printing 100,000 Laser Quest (remember that!) score sheets without any of the black text – luckily solved with some overprinting

Where would you like to be right now?
Mexico to get a bit of sunshine on my face and delicious food in it

What’s your worst fashion disaster?
When customising clothes with studs, diamantés and dyes was a thing in the early 2000s, I remember once trying to copy a ripped and safety-pinned T-shirt that Madonna wore in a magazine – it was terrible

Which superpower would you like to have?
To be able to influence couriers to delivery on time every time

What was your childhood obsession?
Cutting out comic strips from magazines and gluing them onto other bits of paper, then later drawing my own cartoons

What is the worst kind of print?
Badly designed print

How would you like to be remembered?
As someone who knew when to laugh and was happy to help

Life is…?
Better when you carve your own path and don’t worry about what other people think of you