Q&A: David Hennessy Operations manager, Newnorth Print

“40 years young” David has worked in print since leaving school with what he describes as a “dazzling” set of qualifications. An alumni of the London College of Printing and latterly Loughborough University, he has a “brilliant, calm, under-standing” partner, two kids, two two dogs and an unhealthy interest in fast motorcycles.

Why did you get into printing? 

My parents’ neighbour was a proofreader on the newspapers, and being 16 and typically clueless it was as good an idea as any so I kind of fell into it

What would be your dream job?

Probably the owner of a motorcycle racing team

Who would play you in a film about your life?

I think Will Ferrell. I think he’s a very funny chap. He might need his head shaved though! However, I just asked a friend and he said John Cleese

What is your dream bit of kit?

Any machine that doesn’t break down on a Friday just as I am planning on going home

What is your favourite TV show?

I’ve got into Whitechapel, a dark murder series, which is unusual as I’m a bit of coward when it comes to stuff like that

What was your childhood obsession?

I wanted to be like Kris Kristofferson in the film Convoy... I didn’t do so well, but I have got some mirrored shades

Who or what do you hate the most?

Negative people

What is your favourite phrase or saying?

‘If it was easy, anyone would do it’

What is your favourite album?

Our family photo album

What is your greatest luxury in life?

I’m not really one for luxury, but I do like my bike: a Honda CBR600RR

What is the strangest job you’ve ever done?

Kylie’s hotpant stylist (all right, I made that up). Actually, can I have that as my dream job as well? 

Who would you like to be stuck on a desert island with?

Someone with a boat

What is your greatest ambition?

Not to get stuck on a desert island

What’s your greatest fear?

Failure, I hate that

Who or what makes you laugh?

I work with a good bunch and the humour in the works gives me a laugh

What’s your worst fashion disaster?

I once wore a white t-shirt and blue jeans to work, the t-shirt was a bit tight. I got home and the other half said: “You really wore that to work?” On reflection, I looked like something out of the Blue Oyster Bar in the Police Academy films

Which superpower would you like to have?

Telepathy, It really would help in the day job

Where would you go if you could time-travel?

Forward 10 years, so I can start planning the next big thing, now

What is the worst kind of print?

Print that has to go straight in the recycling

Life is…?  

Too short to moan about it! Make the most of it and if you don’t like it, change it