Roland DG (UK) awarded Investors in People (IIP) accreditation

Roland DG (UK) managing director Jerry Davies has said that the company will continue to strive to make sure it is "a great company to do business with" after being awarded Investors in People (IIP) accreditation.

The wide-format manufacturer has spent the last year working to attain the accolade, which Davies said he was "very proud" to have achieved.

"We are striving to make sure Roland is a great company to do business with – the best products, service and training from the best team in the industry," he added.

Davies commented: "[The firm's] continuing success at a time when other companies are struggling is no accident.

"We’ve never been a company to stand still and our team has always been at the core of our business, making Roland DG what it is today. This accreditation recognises the belief we have in our people and the difference a great team can make."

The manufacturer has also extended the deadline for its creative awards to 29 January 2012. Customers now have an extra month to showcase their best work and compete for prizes, which include a trip for two people to Japan, an Apple iPad2 and a new Roland device of their choice.

The competition, which was launched in celebration of Roland DG’s 30th anniversary, is designed to recognise the vast range of projects that customers use Roland DG products for, such as sign-making, fine art, jewellery, engraving, product design and 3D prototyping.