Ipex Make Ready Challenge starts to hot up

Ipex is urging offset printers to take on the Make Ready Challenge at this year’s show and prove their mettle against their peers in the timed contest, and potentially win one of the cash prizes up for grabs.

The final prize list will be unveiled in the coming weeks, but according to Ipex sales director and Make Ready Challenge organiser Wayne Beckett the total prize pool value will run into thousands of pounds.

A significant number of printers have already registered for the 36 available team places and Beckett said that companies wishing to reserve specific slots should get in touch soon.

“Makeready times are so important in the modern industry as print runs continue to get shorter and while automation plays a role, so does the skill of the operator and that’s what we want to highlight, and show what an art it is,” said Beckett.

The Make Ready Challenge is sponsored by print machinery breakdown insurance and warranty specialist Burnetts, which is also sourcing the 2003 five-colour Heidelberg Speedmaster SM 52 that will be used in the challenge via one of its dealer partners.

Burnetts will also use the show to promote its new Critical Component Cover service.

According to Burnetts director of print services Rod Wickens, who be hosting each of the heats of the challenge and interviewing the contenders, the key goal of the Makeready Challenge is to highlight the power of litho.

“It’s also about injecting a bit of fun back into print and brining people together. Litho is going to be around for a long time yet, but it’s changing and the Make Ready Challenge is about celebrating that,” he said.

To qualify to compete, each two-strong team must have a number one minder fully trained on an SM 52, with at least one year’s experience.

From a standing start each team will load the pre-profiled press with 250 sheets, load the plates, and complete the job to the colour registration standard required by the judging panel.

There will be six heats starting every hour from 11am on each day of the show, which runs from 24 to 29 March, with the fastest times added to the scoreboard and the winner unveiled on the final day of the show.

For more information and to reserve your place, click here.