Why postage increase could open new doors

Tuesday's news of the huge increases in postal prices sent me into a Slough of Despond, and while I was there I had a lie down on a wet blanket.

Many were the messages from people saying this would mean they would switch spend from print to emails and SMS, or other ostensibly 'cheap' online channels.

And pretty much the first thing someone said to me at a social event in the evening was about how they wouldn't be sending any Christmas cards this year because of the huge jump in stamp prices.

Subsequently I had something of a Monty Python moment. Always look on the bright side of life, and all that.

Yes of course price increases that will likely enough drive more work from print to online are not good news.

But from adversity comes opportunity. There's about as much chance of this decision being reversed as there is of a postie epiphany whereby they start picking up all those discarded red rubber bands, so we have to deal with what's in front of us.

Rare will be the customer who can do away with printed comms altogether. Now is the perfect time to get closer to clients and establish yourself as an expert - helping them navigate through the confusing maze of postal prices to get the very best value available, perhaps by opting for highly-targeted campaigns that deliver superb ROI.

Whistle a happy tune while you're at it.