Value in print's past

Jo Francis is all agog over Antiques Roadshow

Have finally managed to catch up with one of my favourite TV shows, that being Antiques Roadshow. No laughing at the back.

I find it a consistently fascinating programme, not least because there’s often a print-related gem among the items being valued. As it happens the episode broadcast on 5 January features something pretty amazing from print’s, and my own, past.

A chap from salvage specialist Wowie Zowie rocked up with a bunch of original font drawings rescued from the Linotype & Machinery factory in Altrincham. The business had relocated into the premises and the landlady was looking to clear away the last remnants of the once-great company.

The drawings are the large-format specifications of the individual letters for each typeface, and there were – wait for it – almost 100,000 of them.

Amazing, eh? It’s the most recent example of something from print’s past that went from being valuable to worthless, and then back to valuable again. Just like all that letterpress kit and wooden poster type. And, more recently, some original Apple Macintosh kit.

I’m also reminded of someone telling me about the historic archive of file copies at Sun Printers in Watford, which was apparently ditched when that building was vacated. Hopefully a few were salvaged by someone with a bit of nous.

Wowie Zowie is open to offers from anyone wanting to take over the whole collection, but in the meantime is busy selling the drawings for £40 apiece. As you might imagine it has sold rather a lot since the programme was broadcast.

In one respect I feel sad that this amazing collection hasn’t gone to a museum (and even sadder that what could be considered a natural home, the Type Museum in London still has “no public access at present”. Sigh).

On reflection perhaps it’s actually better for the drawings to be purchased by people who will love them, and no doubt display them, and in doing so collectively share them with a far wider audience.

Meanwhile, for those blessed with ample storage space, do make an effort to hang on to those print-related items of beauty.


The episode of Antiques Roadshow will be repeated on Tuesday 21 January at 9:05am, set your recording thingy if you missed it.

I’m going to be off-grid for a couple of weeks. Look forward to catching up in February.