Riveting Read

What great news that Debbie Read is back in this industry with a substantial role, and what a coup for Wyndeham to secure someone of her calibre for the vital group procurement role. This is an appointment that really will make people sit up and take notice.

At her previous employer, Bauer, Read implemented new working practices and delivered multi-million pound savings for the publisher, it was regrettable to many of her contacts in the wider industry that her reward for such sterling work was redundancy. Read's reputation as a shrewd and highly-respected professional goes before her and I'm sure Wyndeham will benefit enormously from her expertise in implementing a joined-up sourcing strategy across this newly-enlarged group.

What a difference a year makes, eh? This time last year the meltdown of the Icelandic banking system was imminent, and when Landsbanki effectively went bust the very future of Wyndeham was called into question.

Now the resurgent and enlarged group is up in the top three biggest players in UK web offset. Not to say that life will be a walk in the park for Read, I'm sure there will be plenty of new challenges ahead not least in the area of credit terms with some of the group's suppliers, or potential suppliers. And while Read's role on the other side of the fence isn't exactly client facing, her inside knowledge of publishers' mindsets has to be of help with major reviews such as the imminent decision being made by IPC and her old boss from an earlier life, Jasper Scott.