Perfect print candidate to rein in MPs' spending

Watching the government implode is providing a welcome distraction from the distressing printing industry meltdown occurring rather closer to home. Oh, and the generally parlous state of the economy.

With revelations about MPs' expenses providing the stimulus for the current outcry, I have a suggestion re future scrutiny of a system that has justifiably caused apoplexy among taxpayers up and down the country. My solution, though, won't involve yet another monstrously expensive quango or vast consultancy bills from the likes of Ernst & Young or PWC.

No, I reckon that auditing MP expenditure would be a nice little part-time post-retirement job for former St Ives CEO Brian Edwards. Brian and his propelling pencil will be at a loose end come the end of July and he has the perfect skill set for this particular role. Razor sharp attention to detail? Check and double-check. Finely tuned bullsh*t-ometer? Check. Suitably intimidating presence to deal with our more bolshy parliamentarians? Oh yes.

What's more, he comes ready equipped with the aforementioned propelling pencil and I know for a fact he already possesses a calculator. And his austere tastes mean that his own office requirements are unlikely to involve, say, Pininfarina's Aresline Xten office chair, which is the sort of thing MPs currently think they're entitled to spend our cash on and then keep for themselves.

Perhaps his old boss Lord Gavron could put in a word.