Inside the mind of Madejski

My jaw is still on the floor after watching last night's extraordinary documentary about Sir John Madejski, a fascinating character by any account.

Despite the many flaws in the film, and its occasionally sneering tone, it did produce some compelling insights into Madejski's mindset. We learned that he's a rather a strange sort of chap who keeps a $250,000 life-size bronze of a bikini-clad woman at home for a laugh (Duane Hanson's Sunbather), and that he uses Elnett hairspray. His new £5m mansion seems to contain almost as many portraits of the man himself as it does high-tech gadgets, including one of him depicted as some sort of reclining hunk just inside the front door.  

I'm also sure that I glimpsed PrintWeek in his in-tray at one point. Nice to know that he's keeping on top of all the industry news. 

The film elucidated a slew of extraordinary quotes, what a shame that the maker of the documentary didn't follow up on enough of them. How bad is the credit crunch for Sir John? "Terrifyingly bad". How do you keep track of your many businesses? "With enormous difficulty".

Was he being serious or not when he said: "Ian, I need to find some wealthy people, like quick... I've got companies that are burning cash like there's no tomorrow and I'm not talking about pennies, I'm talking about huge, huge sums of money. Millions." It's impossible not to imagine that BGP must figure in the firms he's referencing there.

I've been told that Madejski has something of a temper but there was little sign of it, apart from one incident when he got cross after stalling his Bentley. Overall, I found him a rather odd, sad character. A living embodiment of that old cliché about money not buying happiness.

I also imagine that anyone looking to do business with Madejski will study this film closely and with great interest. I'm now picturing him in negotiations with someone of the business guile of, say, Mark Scanlon and I have little doubt about who I think would come out on top of any such discussion.


Favourite moment (apart from the glimpse of PrintWeek, of course)

The project manager is showing Madejski how to operate all the many gadgets and controls in his new house.

"Do you want to see the rill operating?"

Madejski: "The what?"

Flunky: "The rill, the waterfall, the water feature"

Madejski: "Oh yes"

Camera pans to some sort of sub-Chatsworth cascade.

I laughed like a drain.


It's required viewing for anyone with an interest in what Sir John might do next. See it repeated or via iplayer here.