Discretion required for regal printer

With all the excitement about the royal wedding invitations being in the post this past week, we at PrintWeek had hoped to shower suitable plaudits on the printer who produced this coveted job. I love this picture of the invitations being carefully checked and sorted at some sort of palatial location prior to mailing.

Unfortunately the team at Clarence House press office, gatekeepers of information about the royal nuptials,  are  keen to keep the printer's identity under wraps for the moment, no doubt due to worries about tabloid hacks somehow infiltrating the company and making mischief with the orders of service, or somesuch. Unlikely, but then so was the notion of an uninvited guest gatecrashing Prince William's 21st birthday party dressed as Osama bin Laden...

We'll respect their wishes while hoping to be able to give credit where credit is due at some point in the future, but in the meantime here's a tongue-in-cheek regal addition to our recent 'we heart print' article.

Admittedly, we aren't privy to the precise details of the Queen's favourite printed thing. It could be the Breed Lover's Guide to Pembroke Welsh Corgis, it could be the Racing Post, or it could be something else entirely. But we do know that Her Majesty and the Duke of Edinburgh have sent some 37,500 Christmas cards during her reign. And with 29 April fast approaching, we can say with some certainty that the happy couple have not popped down to WH Smiths for any off-the-shelf wedding stationery packs.