Delightfully disruptive

'Disruptive' isn't usually a positive sort of adjective, but in the case of this story about a clever new print technique from Augustus Martin, it certainly is.

The point-of-sale specialist has come up with some special ink-based know how to create a twinkling appearance on point-of-sale displays. Perfect for Christmas, of course, and used to sparkling (ahem) effect by Tesco. I think it's fair to say that, given the business acumen of this particular retailer, it wouldn't be using it on more than half a million point-of-sale pieces without good reason.

It was great to read the positive comments from Andrew Miles at the retail giant, who described the promotion as "really powerful". And it's great to see a UK company developing innovative print techniques that emphasise the power of what print can do.

Disrupt originates from the Latin disruptus - burst asunder. How delightful to see this new print technique burst onto the scene in such a successful way. Marvellous.